Jul 15, 2024

Market Insights

SEO Updates June

Our strategists stay across the month's most pivotal algorithm adjustments so you don’t have to. The following is a brief overview of changes to the global SEO landscape in June

Spam Update

In June, Google rolled out its latest spam algorithm update.

Part of Google's ongoing efforts to enhance search quality and user experience, many publishers and site owners were frustrated to experience a decrease in traffic during this period despite their content complying with Google's guidelines. Critics argue that these updates tend to favour larger sites, disadvantaging independent publishers. 

If you have noticed a drop in your site’s traffic numbers, focus on consistently adding high-quality content, optimising internal linking, and resolving technical issues. Our strategists can also provide bespoke SEO recommendations – just reach out.

Discontinuation of Continuous Scroll: Google has now ceased the use of continuous scroll on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). 

The decision to revert to traditional pagination aims to expedite result delivery. However, it’s been suggested that this change may primarily benefit Google's ad placements, and reduce visibility of organic results. Conversely, proponents argue that continuous scrolling may not always provide an optimal user experience outside of social media contexts.

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